Family harmony

Family Harmony at Home

When we model peaceful and loving relationships, our children feel more secure and loved. Positive language, active listening and empathy help maintain a peaceful and happy family environment during these stressful times.

We are models for our kids

  • How we talk and behave in front of others is a big influence on how they behave too!
  • Try to talk kindly to everyone in the family, adults and children.
  • Bad communication between adults in the household can have a negative impact on our children.
  • The more we practice modeling peaceful, loving relationships for our children the more secure and loved they will feel.

Nice things to do together as a family

  • Let each family member take turns to choose a whole-family activity every day.
  • Find ways to spend quality time with your partner and other adults in your home, too!

Share the load

  • Looking after children and other family members is difficult, but it's much easier when responsibilities are shared.
  • Try to share household chores, childcare, and other tasks equally among family members.
  • Create a schedule for time "on" and time "off" with other adults in your household.
  • It is okay to ask for help when you are feeling tired or stressed, so that you can take a break.

Feeling stressed or angry?

  • When you start feeling angry, take a 20-second cool down. Breathe in and out slowly 5 times before you speak or move.
  • Go somewhere else for 10 minutes to regain control of your emotions. If you have safe outdoor space, go outside.

Take care of yourself

  • We all need to connect. Talk to friends, family, and other supportive people every day.
  • Remember, the COVID-19 crisis isn't forever - we just have to get through it day at a time.
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